Delight in ME

Scenic shot of the beach with waves hitting the rocks.

I hadn’t heard the song, “Where I Belong,” until we sang it at church that morning. I was already immersed in His presence, so by the time we got to the lyrics…
Delight in Me
Delight in Me
Delight in Me
…I was on board with the idea.
Later that day, I found out that a young woman who has become like a daughter to me and who had entered the adoption process had a broken heart. The birth mom had gone into labor a few days earlier. My heart-daughter was at the birth, held the baby skin to skin, fed the baby, and felt love like never before. Then the birth mom changed her mind. Upon hearing this information and knowing how excited and frightened my girl already was, my heart ached for her to have such hope dashed. So, I do what works for me and I headed outside with worship-filled air pods and a walk. I had my new favorite song on repeat. I prayed as I walked that this young woman would be reminded of her place of belonging with Him, even with a broken momma-heart. When I got back to the bridge…
Delight in Me
Delight in Me
Delight in Me
…I was not so on board this time.
I thought it seemed a bit self-centered and egotistical. It just fell flat for me. I thought of delight – finding great pleasure in someone. I thought of my granddaughter – oh how I delight in her. Her smile, her little voice saying my name, her laugh. I also thought of the times when I ask her for a hug or a kiss and in her little two-year-old independent voice she says, “don’t want to,” and how I even delight in that. Since the song was still on repeat, we were back to the bridge…
Delight in Me
Delight in Me
Delight in Me
…and I sensed a question rise within.
“Do you think that you are better at delighting than me?” Tears flooded my eyes and a laugh rose up in my throat. Of course, this delight originates with Him. He created it. Even when I’m saying in my not-so-two-year-old voice, “I don’t want to,” He still delights in me, because I am His because He’s a DELIGHTER!
Once I got back home, I sent my new favorite song to my broken-hearted momma and she quickly responded with, “That song!” She told me that God had used it years before when she was overseas to plant dreams in her heart through the lens of His DELIGHT for her.
Oh, how He delights in His children in all of the stages, places, and seasons of our humanity and that leads us to truly delighting in HIM.


Two months later Jenny got a call from the birth mom, “Jenny come pick up your baby”. DELIGHT




Who Do You Say That I Am?